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What To Use If You Don’t Have Sewing Machine Oil? Here’s Our Answer!

If you dabble in sewing or quilting, you’ve probably heard about the importance of sewing machine oil and how it can save your machine from premature wear and tear.

You can use sewing machine oil to lubricate the moving parts of a sewing machine. The oil makes the parts glide smoothly allows them to function smoothly for longer periods of time.

Without it, the parts will wear down quickly, causing your machine to break down and not work as effectively.

How many times have you wanted to sew something but you didn’t have the right sewing machine oil? Or maybe you own a sewing machine but you don’t know anything about oiling it.

Sewing machine oil is a valuable sewing product that helps the machine glide smoothly without making noise. 

If you don’t have sewing machine oil, you need to make some! It’s a staple in most sewing rooms, and you should have it on hand at all times.

There’s probably an oil bottle somewhere in your house (even in a cupboard or pantry), and chances are, you’ll need to check through it and see what’s inside.

Sewing machine oil substitutes 

Tired of having to buy expensive sewing machine oil for your machine, and not being able to find a suitable alternative?

You are not alone. In the sewing machine industry, the oil that should go in your machine is a proprietary blend, and this blend is constantly changing.

Here are alternative ways to make homemade sewing machine oil;

  • You can use vegetable or hemp seed oil if you don’t have sewing machine oil
  • The easiest thing your sewing machine oil can be a substitute for is motor oil, and the easiest and cheapest thing you can do is simply buy regular oil for your car.
  • The idea of using clock oil as an alternative has been around for a while; people have been using it to lubricate their sewing machines for years. It’s quite safe for most applications and is generally regarded as non-toxic, but it does contain a small number of petroleum distillates. 
  • Clipper Blade Oil is a healthy substitute for sewing machine oil and can be used for most another sewing, embroidery, and quilting machines. It is made in the USA and uses only the finest oils.

Can you use silicone spray on a sewing machine?

Silicone spray is specifically designed to be used on sewing machines and other items that require lubrication. However, it is important to note that not all materials will work well with silicone spray.

Some others say you cannot use silicone spray on a sewing machine. The reason why is because the product contains silicone, which is a synthetic oil.

It is a non-water-based product and can cause damage to the machine. Because the spray may come into contact with the needle, which will cause it to seize and create a broken stitch.

Importance of machine oil in the sewing machine

There was a time when sewing machines required the use of oil to lubricate the machines. This was typically either a water-cooled machine or a steam-cooled machine.

Even though most of the modern top-of-the-line machines have automatic oilers, it is still a good idea to use oil for other machines, especially those that are not operated frequently or do not have an automatic oiler.

Machine oil can help sewing machine to:

1. Absorbs moisture from your work, prevents rust and corrosion and protects your machine from the elements.

2. Sewing machine oil is widely used to lubricate and protect your machine. The oil is essential to keep your machine running smoothly, and this is especially true for your sewing machine’s motor and bearings.

3. Sewing machine oil is a valuable sewing product that helps the machine glide smoothly without making noise.

4. The oil comes in two distinct types of containers, one type with a screw cap and the other with a twist cap.

5. sewing machine oil is the lifeblood of your machine the benefits of having the proper amount of oil are very important. 

Sewing machine oil drawbacks

Back in the day, sewing machine oil was the preferred go-to oil for sewing machines. It was the best protection against thread damage and was a great lubricant.

However, over time, the oil industry has changed and today there are many oils on the market for sewing machines. Machines oil are more expensive, and for a piece of fabric, you will need 2-3 bottles of oil.

If your sewing machine is old, it won’t work as well and you’ll be disappointed in the quality of the finished product. This is why it is important to look for a new sewing machine that will work better.

The most common problems you could run into with sewing machine oil are the following: The oil can become gooey and/or sticky after long periods of time.

The oil can become stiff and/or hard after long periods of time. The oil can become thick after long periods of time.

  • Since machine oils contain oils that can make you sick, you should use protective equipment when using them. To prevent direct contact with the oil, make sure you wear gloves and glasses and cover your skin with thin cotton to keep the skin oil-free. You can also use a dust mask.
Kirsten Carter

Kirsten Carter

Kirsten Carter is a freelance content writer who specialises in writing about travel, technology and health. When she's not traveling between her home of Tanzania and England, she writes for her blog Rightminded Travelling and features on a variety of different travel and technology sites.View Author posts

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