How Do I Use The Side Cutter On My Sewing Machine?
Sewing machines are an essential part of every home. They allow us to create beautiful clothes and accessories for ourselves and others.
If you’ve never used a side cutter before, then you might find it hard to figure out how to use it.
In this article, I’ll explain how to use the side cutter on your sewing machine.
Step 1: Make sure your sewing machine is set up properly.
Step 2: Set the needle down in the fabric and thread it through the eye of the needle.
Step 3: Start stitching at one end of the seam.
Step 4: When you reach the other end of the seam, stop stitching and cut off the excess thread.
Step 5: Continue stitching until the entire seam is finished.
Step 6: Cut the thread.
Step 7: Fold the seam allowance over the edge of the fabric.
Step 8: Press the seam open.
Step 9: Repeat Steps 1-8 with the remaining pieces of fabric.
Sewing machines can also be quite frustrating if you aren’t sure how to use them properly.
What a Side Cutter Foot Looks Like & What it Does?
A side cutter foot looks like two metal plates that fit inside the base plate of your sewing machine.
The top plate has holes where you insert pins or needles so they don’t get caught when cutting threads.
It also has slots where you place the fabric as well as a slot for the presser overcast foot.
When using a side cutter, make sure not to put any pressure on the fabric while pressing it against the table. This will cause the fabric to stretch and distort.
You should only push the fabric into the slots provided by the side cutter foot.
This way, you won’t have to worry about stretching the fabric.
Also, make sure to keep the fabric taut during all stages of the project. If there isn’t enough tension, the dedicated side cutter stitches may come undone.
What fabric does the side cutter presser foot work on?
The side cutter works best when using fabrics that have enough stretch so they don’t pull or tear while being sewn together.
For example, standard presser foot on cotton fabric denim will not work well because it has no elasticity.
You should avoid using slippery materials like silk as well.
It may slip away from the cutting blade during operation.
I recommend avoiding these types of fabrics altogether.
Instead, choose something sturdy such as polyester/cotton blend.
This type of material is easy to sew and won’t rip easily.
When choosing a suitable fabric, make sure there isn’t too much bulkiness.
Too bulky a fabric could cause problems when trying to straight stitch around its edges.
Make sure the fabric doesn’t contain any loose threads either.
These would get caught by the cutting blades and damage the machine.
Also, try to keep the length of the fabric even throughout the whole piece.
Otherwise, the stitches wouldn’t line up correctly.
Why is my side cutter foot not cutting?
There are several reasons why your side cutter foot may fail to function properly.
To fix this problem, follow these steps:
- First, check whether the tension setting is correct.
- Try adjusting the tension knob located near the top right corner of the machine.
- Adjust the dial according to what feels comfortable for you.
- Next, ensure that the feed dogs are working properly.
- Check the position of the feed dog lever located next to the bobbin area.
- Ensure that both levers are fully extended.
- Finally, make sure the needle plate is positioned correctly.
- Place the needle into the center hole of the needle plate.
- Then adjust the height of the needle plate accordingly.
Hopefully these tips will help you get the most out of your side cutter foot.
Brother Side Cutter Foot vs Generic Side Cutter Foot
If you’re looking for an affordable alternative to Brother’s side cutters, then we’ve got good news! We carry overlock feet in our store at Craft Supplies Online.
These generic side cutter foot can be used with almost every brand of sewing machine available today.
They feature a similar sewing projects design to the Brother side cutter but without the hassle of having to buy one separately.
The main difference between them is their size; the Brother side cutter comes in two sizes whereas the generic side cutter comes in three sizes.
So which one do you need? Well, if you want to use the same model of this combo machine that came with your Brother side cutter, then go ahead and pick the larger version.
However, if you already own another brand of combo machine, then you might prefer the smaller version instead.
It’ll save you some money since you won’t have to purchase a new set of needles and thread just yet.
If you’d rather stick with the original Brother side cutter, then you can always upgrade later once you find yourself needing more space.
Just remember that all Brother machines require specific sized needles depending on how big the stitching pattern is.
Cutter overlock presser foot
Cutter has been making sewing machines since 1851. They are known for their quality and durability. The cutter overlock presser foot review is designed to sew multiple layers together.
It works with both straight and zigzag overlocking stitch.
The cutter overlock snap on presser feet are available in different sizes and widths. They are also available in different materials such as plastic, metal, wood, and rubber.
You can choose from either single or double-sided versions.
You should note that the cutter overlock presser foot does not come with any attachments like other types of presser feet.
So it is recommended that you attach it onto the regular sewing machine fun presser foot lever before using it.
This way, you don’t risk damaging anything while trying to remove it after finishing the project.
In conclusion, the A Sewing Machine Side Cutter was a great cutter. It may have been a bit pricey, but it is worth every penny.