Our Guide To Sewing Machines & Velcro Sewing
Trying to sew through velcro can be a difficult sewing process, especially if your dealing with the adhesive type in sewing projects, but if your sewing machine cannot sew velcro at all it might be down to the velcro itself.

If you’re trying to sew the wrong kind of velcro this can result in jamming the machine, you should also consider the machine itself and how powerful it is, velcro is a thick and tough material.
We’ve put together a short guide below which will take you through what type of velcro you should be using for sewing, reasons why your machine cannot sew velcro as well as some tips sewing velcro.
What Type Of Velcro Should I Be Sewing?
If using a velcro as an alternative to a button or fastener in your sewing you should always ensure your using the right kind of velcro.
Avoid trying to sew with cheap velcro since this can cause your sewing machine to jam up, instead choose higher quality soft velcro for your sewing work.
Top Reasons Why Your Sewing Machine Can’t Sew Velcro
If your sewing machine is struggling to sew velcro then it could be due to a number of different reasons, we’ve listed some below to help you troubleshoot.
Your Using A Weak Needle
One of the first reasons as to why your machine might not be able to sew velcro is if you’re using a weak needle. When sewing velcro in particular you need to ensure that your needle is thick, a size 14 or 16 would be appropriate.
Too Long Stitches
A very long stitch length can cause stitches to skip in velcro, try shortening your stitch lengths down to 1.5 to 2.0, you can also try stitching your velcro in short zig stitches to secure it better.
Your Machine Is Not Strong Enough
Some cheaper and older sewing machines cannot handle sewing velcro since it is so tough, you need a decent motor on a modern sewing machine to be able to handle this.
The Velcro Is Too Thick
It could be possible you are using poor quality velcro for sewing which is also too thick, this can result in your machine getting jammed since it can’t pass through the fabric properly.

Our Best Sewing Tips For Velcro Projects
Sewing velcro is slightly different to regular sewing, these heavier fabrics result in a slower sewing speed and difficult fabrics like this need to have the strongest stitch.
- Do an edge stitch – Sewing around the edge of velcro makes it much easier to sew since it has a flat border. A zipper foot is a good choice for getting closer to edges, but be aware you will not be able to perform a zig-zag stitch with this kind of presser foot.
- Hold the velcro in place – Holding the velcro in place can be done with pins as long as the velcro is thin enough. If thicker you can use double side tape or glue for the job.
- Use a strong needle – Velcro is one of the thickest types of fabrics out there, meaning you need a thick and sharp needle to handle it. A denim or leather needle might be appropriate for this since they are more heavy duty.
- Colour matches the thread – Taking time to match your top thread to the colour of your velcro and the bobbin thread to the fabric underneath will result in a much more uniformed look. Use a stronger polyester thread too since cheaper threads will be more likely to skip and break when being stitched.
- Try a zig-zag stitch – Zig-zag stitches are an excellent alternative to straight stitches for sewing a complicated piece of velcro fabric, this also reduces the risk of stitches getting skipped.
- Attempt to sew by hand – Lastly, you can always try sewing your velcro by hand by using a back stitch to secure strips of fabric.
Frequently Asked Questions About Sewing Velcro
What alternative ways are there to fasten without velcro?
If your not a fan of sewing with velcro you can use button holes, zips, press studs and kam studs which do not require any sewing.
Why is edge stitch best for velcro?
Edge stitching is best for velcro because velcro can prove to be thicker in the middle, the flat edges allow you to have a more uniformed sewing look.
Which types of sewing thread should I use for sewing velcro?
We suggest using a strong polyester thread when sewing velcro to avoid it breaking during the process,
Can I use fabric glue to hold down velcro when sewing?
Yes, fabric glue can be used to hold velcro down when sewing rather than pins but we would strongly avoid getting glue around the edges where you will be sewing this could block your needle path.

Last Words
To conclude, your sewing machine not be able to sew velcro if the velcro is too thick and of poor quality, your using the wrong sewing machine needle, always use high quality thin velcro when sewing if possible and a strong needle.
We also recommend edge stitching for a easier time sewing or zig-zag strong stitches which work well in velcro and hold their strength even over long periods of time.