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Should You Service Your Sewing Machine? – Find Out Here!

If you love sewing, you probably have a machine that you love, especially if you sew for every occasion. However, you need to make sure your sewing machine is always in top shape.

If you do not take good care of your sewing machine, it will have performance issues that can seriously affect your results.

It is also possible that your sewing machine can break or even stop working if you do not take the proper steps to ensure its longevity.

Should Sewing Machine be Serviced? The short answer is yes, your sewing machine should be serviced at regular intervals.

How often should you service your machine? Most experts recommend you have a professional service the machine every six months to a year, depending on your use.

If your machine is used on a daily basis, it should be checked and serviced a bit

Preventive Sewing Machine Maintenance

Sewing machines can be expensive investments, and the last thing you want is for your machine to break down in the middle of a project.

That’s why it’s important to take preventative measures to ensure that your sewing machine stays in fine working order. Regular cleaning, oiling, and maintenance can prevent many sewing mishaps.

Whether you use your sewing machine daily or only once in a while, it’s important to know how to keep it in tip-top shape.

While you should always use the manufacturer’s recommended oil and oil filter to avoid damaging the machine, there are a few things you can do to keep the machine running smoothly even if you aren’t using it.  

The most important thing you can do is to keep your machine clean.  Dust and lint are the biggest enemies of your sewing machine so wipe it down regularly with a soft cloth or vacuum cleaner.  

Be sure to also remove the lint that builds up inside the bobbin case.  Failing to clean your sewing machine could mean disaster in the long run.

Sewing machines are amazing pieces of art and technology, and they can last for generations if you take good care of them. Follow these tips to maintain your machine’s flexibility, efficiency, and overall craftsmanship.

  • Removing Fluff and Dust

Sewing machine maintenance is very important in the sewing world as it can affect the outcome of your sewing project.  

It is a good idea to clean your sewing machine to keep it running smoothly.  The easiest way to do this is to remove the dust and fluff from your sewing machine.  

You can do this by brushing the hook and using a compressed air duster to get rid of all the dust and lint that has accumulated in your sewing machine.

  • Checking the Bobbin

On the underside of the sewing machine, look for the bobbin area. When you remove the bobbin, you are able to see a small hole in the center of the bobbin case.

Check to make sure that the hole is clear and free of debris. If the material is caught in the hole, it can cause the sewing machine to function improperly, or even to break down.

Most people who use sewing machines have never checked the bobbin of their sewing machine.  This is something that is recommended to do a minimum of once every 3 months.  

It is important to make sure that the bobbin is working properly as well as to check on the functioning of the machine.  

Most people don’t realize that you can do this on your own.  You can easily check the bobbin without having to send it away for repair.  This is a basic thing that should be done on a regular basis.

  • Lubrication

Lubrication is probably the most overlooked part of a sewing machine. When you buy a machine, you receive an instruction manual that gives you directions on how to care for your machine.

Continued use of the sewing machine tends to build up a film of dust on the internal parts, which can bind them together and reduce the life of the machine.

This will cause the machine to make strange grinding or chattering noises while running. The machine will need to be disassembled and cleaned and the internal parts lubricated.

  • Checking the Tension

Chances are, you take care of your sewing machine. You oil it after every use, you clean it out, and you replace the needle when the tension gets too high.

Yet your machine could still be in danger of breaking down. The most common cause is that the timing of your machine’s tension is off.

  • Checking the Timing

Sewing machines typically last for years and years if they are properly taken care of. One important part of taking care of your sewing machine is to check the timing regularly and make adjustments as necessary.  

The timing of a sewing machine is there to help it sew a straight line. If the timing is off, then the edges of the fabric won’t stay together, and the entire sewing line will be wavy instead of staying straight.

This will cause the sewing machine to not be able to sew straight, and if the timing is off for a long time, then the thread will begin to come off the top of the sewing machine and not from the bobbin.

  • Check the electric connections

If you want to maintain your sewing machine, you should check the electric connections. The electric connections are the electric cords that are attached to the main part of your sewing machine.

They are the cords that connect to the electric outlet, and they are the cords that you use to connect to your sewing machine.

You should check the electric connections before you use your sewing machine. If you have never checked the electric connections before, it is a good idea to check the electric connections before you use your sewing machine for the first time.

In Conclusion

Did you know that your sewing machine is a mechanical device that requires periodic maintenance to keep it working properly and to extend its life?  While it’s easy to take for granted (and often overlook), regular care and servicing is vital to keeping your sewing machine in tip-top shape. When you use your machine, it creates thread lint in the seams of the machine that can build up and cause the machine to not function properly.  For that reason, when you’re done using your machine, it’s important to clean it.  Cleaning your machine is important so you don’t have to be concerned that your machine will function properly in the future.  In addition to cleaning your machine, it’s important to have

Kirsten Carter

Kirsten Carter

Kirsten Carter is a freelance content writer who specialises in writing about travel, technology and health. When she's not traveling between her home of Tanzania and England, she writes for her blog Rightminded Travelling and features on a variety of different travel and technology sites.View Author posts

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